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Clerk's Office Directory



Christa K. Berry
Eric M. Storms
Clerk of Court
Chief Deputy Clerk


Edward T. Gignoux United States Courthouse
156 Federal Street
Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 780-3356



Case Managers:

Judge Walker

Charity Pelletier, Primary

Nick Gordon


Judge Singal

Lindsey Tully


Judge Hornby

Charity Pelletier


Judge Torresen

Stacey Graf, Primary

Joanne McCue


Judge Levy

Charity Pelletier


Judge Woodcock

Joanne McCue, Primary

Stacey Graf


Magistrate Judge Wolf

Nicholas Gordon, Primary

Charity Pelletier



Lauren Bearor

Jury Specialist/Case Manager


Maggie Melanson, Primary

Lauren Bearor


Administrative Manager

Sarah Davis McNamara

Human Resources Specialist

Mary Withee

Financial Administrator

Amy Spencer

Facilities Specialist/ Project Manager/ Procurement

Kevin Eames

Executive Assistant, Attorney Admissions, Interpreter Coordinator

Lindsey Tully


IT Director

Matthew Day

Systems Engineer

John Whetstone

Systems Administrator

Nathan Horn

Courtroom Technology Specialist

Andrew Biedrzycki





Margaret Chase Smith Federal Building and United States Courthouse
202 Harlow Street
Bangor , Maine 04401
(207) 945-0575


District Operations Supervisor

Julie Rodrigue

Data Quality Analyst

Jennifer Driscoll

Case Manager for Judge Neumann

Meghan York

Case Manager for Magistrate Judge Nivison + Jury Administrator

Maggie Melanson

Case Manager / Intake

Cheryl Derrah

CM/ECF Administrator

Michele Mitchell

Systems Support Specialist

Brian Tremblay