On August 2, 2023, Chief U.S. District Judge Jon D. Levy and U.S. District Judge Lance Walker hosted 55 students from 45 different countries from the Naval Staff College of Newport, Rhode Island. The students are international military officers participating in the Naval Staff College’s prestigious 11-month program.
During the visit, students witnessed a sentencing hearing and interacted with the two judges before and after the hearing. Chief Judge Levy and Judge Walker discussed a wide-range of topics with the students including the origins and history of the nations’ U.S. District Courts and the District of Maine, federalism, case management, how courts work, sentencing, and the role of the judge in American society in protecting the fundamental right to liberty.
As part of the Naval Staff College’s field studies program, the students enjoy a series of visits and field trips to U.S. institutions and cultural programs, learning about American governmental structure and philosophy. The Court was pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the basics of American jurisprudence and give the students an increased awareness of basic issues of fairness, court procedure, due process and human rights.